Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Packing, preparing and praying!

Wow, the team met tonight and attempted to pack every donated item along with all our construction tools and crafts. We had to come with a plan on how to get what we couldn't pack down to Haiti since at a glance there was NO way we were going to get everything into the
suitcases we had.

Part of the team plus team members' kids who will be staying behind (this trip) finished cutting and assembling all of our crafts for our teaching days at the school, some bagged up all the shampoos, conditioners, lotions, toys, etc into individual bags to give away and the men began packing suitcases until every bag held exactly 50 pounds. 20 bags of 50 pounds each and 2 1/2 hours later EVERYTHING was packed!! We all still have our carry-on bags (that's 14 more that we found can be up to 40 pounds) also AND maybe a backpack or a purse!

We are SO grateful for the financial donations and donated items from SO many people. We have beautiful clothes, hand-made baby blankets, toys, toothpaste, medicine & bandages and more!

Throughout our teams 'required' reading assignment called, "When Helping Hurts" we know that all these items will be given to Lemuel Ministry & Mission of Hope (orphanage) which are already on the ground and in the communities developing relationships. These items will be given as true needs arise and in a way that does not become a 'hand-out' that can bring more harm to a community in the long run. We may not get the opportunity to 'feel' the joy of handing a baby blanket to a mom or medicine to a family but every item will be given and they will be received in a way that makes each person know that they are valuable & loved by God and that He has a purpose and a plan for their lives.

SO! 4 vehicles, 14 people, 34 suitcases and a table saw will be heading to Chicago this Saturday for an evening flight. Please pray for safety for us all and our families and that we follow the lead of our God each step of the journey.

Thirteen seconds of the drama we practiced tonight...

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